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Brett Geddes

Brett Geddes Nude

Brief Nudity

Keywords: Brief Nudity, White, Brown Hair

Nude Roles: 1

Birthplace: Ottawa, Ontario , CA

Date of Birth: 05/17/96

12 Blog Posts for this celebrity

Top Brett Geddes Scenes

The Boys (2019-2024) Nude, balls, butt, gay, penis, shirtless Ep. 03x01 | 00:10:29 Phenomenal full nudity from Brett as he shrinks down to tiny size then grows back up to normal size and tears off his clothes, revealing his cock, balls, and ass! Later while hooking up with Jarrett, who pulls his pants down exposing his ass, Brett shrinks down small enough to go inside Jarrett's penis, but then it all goes awry! (1 min 31 secs)
The Boys (2019-2024) Nude (Brett Geddes, Shaun Mazzocca) , balls, penis, shirtless, butt, straight, sexy Ep. 03x06 | 00:33:29 A trip through the orgy house brings us frontal from Shaun and a shot of Laz covered in cum! (1 min 45 secs)
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Brett Geddes sounds like the beginning of a sentence — as in “Brett geddes us horny!” Actually, the cute Canuck gets us frustrated since he doesn’t expose his big cigar in the miniseries The Big Cigar (2023) or his candy cane in the TV movie Candy Cane Christmas (2020). So much for the boob tube! Of course, Geddes is so gorgeous, he’s arousing even when he’s covered up. For example, his short films Carv (2020) and My Friend Wally (2021) can make viewers long in the pants. That goes double for his dead-sexy stint in Fatal Family Reunion (2022). Back when Brett was first starting out, he nabbed guest spots on the Canadian shows Overruled! (2009), Warehouse 13 (2012) and Life with Boys (2013). Speaking of boys, once the youthful ingenue came of age he scored a recurring role on the third season of The Boys (2019-present) in 2022. Amazon Prime’s action comedy features Antony Starr, Chace Crawford, Dominique McElligott, Erin Moriarty, Jack Quaid, and Brett’s nude debut. Ooh, finally something we can sink our teeth into! Based on the comic book of the same name, the superhero series has Geddes playing a man who can shrink down and grow back up rapidly. This means he’s often without clothes. As such, we get to see Brett’s abs, ass, shaft and sack! If that’s not erotic enough, the nude dude smooches co-star Jarrett Siddall. Unfortunately, Brett’s character meets a gruesome end inside... wait for it... his lover’s penis. What a way to go!


TV Shows

The Boys (2019-2024) - as Termite

Nude (Brett Geddes, Shaun Mazzocca) , balls, penis, shirtless, butt, straight, sexy Ep. 03x06 | 00:33:29 A trip through the orgy house brings us frontal from Shaun and a shot of Laz covered in cum! (1 min 45 secs)
Nude, balls, butt, gay, penis, shirtless Ep. 03x01 | 00:10:29 Phenomenal full nudity from Brett as he shrinks down to tiny size then grows back up to normal size and tears off his clothes, revealing his cock, balls, and ass! Later while hooking up with Jarrett, who pulls his pants down exposing his ass, Brett shrinks down small enough to go inside Jarrett's penis, but then it all goes awry! (1 min 31 secs)
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