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Charlie Hunnam

Charlie Hunnam Nude

Great Nudity!

Keywords: Great Nudity!, White, Blond Hair

Nude Roles: 6

Birthplace: Newcastle upon Tyne, England, GB

Date of Birth: 04/10/80

Real Name: Charles Matthew Hunnam

48 Blog Posts for this celebrity

Top Charlie Hunnam Scenes

Sons of Anarchy (2008-2014) Nude, butt, shirtless, straight Ep. 06x10 | 01:15:00 Charlie shows some amazing butt while getting bitch slapped by his wife. Take it easy, lady. Beefcake can bruise! (49 secs)
Sons of Anarchy (2008-2014) Sexy, shirtless Ep. 07x01 | 01:12:00 It's a bloody scene, so hold tight. Charlie's shirtless, so hang in there. (1 min 43 secs)
Sons of Anarchy (2008-2014) Sexy, sexy, shirtless Ep. 07x02 | 00:00:30 Charlie wakes from his nap, confused, shirtless, and sexy. (1 min 9 secs)
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With a built bod that’s toned from head to toe, Charlie Hunnam is the kind of guy we thought only existed in Greek mythology. But luckily for audience members everywhere, this British babe is a living actor working today. When he was just 18, the blonde bombshell burst onto English TV as Nathan Maloney on the edgy show Queer as Folk (1999-2000). The Channel 4 drama showcases the nudecomer’s bare bum, balls and briefs. If that’s not hot enough, the hottie also reveals his chiseled chest and homosexual preferences! At the risk of being stereotyped, the topless talent touted his boxers to seduce leading ladies Liv Tyler in The Ledge (2011) and Olivia Wilde in Deadfall (2012), which also includes views of his nude glutes! The gorgeous performer proceeded to reveal his range (as well as his impressive pecs) in the comedy 3, 2, 1... Frankie Go Boom (2012) and the fantasy King Arthur: Legend of the Sword (2017). Charlie then showed off his naked T&A in the R-rated flicks Papillon (2017), True History of the Kelly Gang (2019), and Jungleland (2020). Yet he’s best known for playing Jax on the biker saga Sons of Anarchy (2008-2014). Throughout the run, the shirtless hunk flashes his tattooed back and ravishing rump during various humps. We can just tell home viewers were jacking off to Jackson Teller! Whether lending his sexy presence to action movies (Children of Men, The Gentlemen) or costume dramas (Cold Mountain, Crimson Peak), Hunnam has fans uttering, “humana, humana, humana!”


Last Looks (2021) - as Charlie Waldo

Nude, butt, shirtless 00:26:30 Charlie Hunnam is butt-naked in this quick and distant shot that shows him walking out of a walk-in closet. (6 secs)

Jungleland (2020) - as Stanley

Nude, butt, straight 00:28:08 Charlie Hunnam bares buns when he bangs a babe from behind. His pants are off, but his shirt is on. After that, the couple jumps into a pool nude, but he's too far in the distance to really see. (26 secs)

True History of the Kelly Gang (2020) - as Sergeant O'Neil

Nude, shirtless, straight, butt 00:31:16 Charlie finds himself with his cock tethered and a gun on him. We see his cute butt as he makes a run for it. (2 mins 18 secs)

Papillon (2018) - as Henri "Papillon" Charrière

Nude, butt, sexy, shirtless 00:41:07 Here's a gold star shower scene with sexy dudes like Rami and Charlie scrubbing their wet bodies with other nude dudes before a fight breaks out. (1 min 58 secs)

Deadfall (2012) - as Jay

Nude, butt, shirtless, underwear 00:47:50 Charlie wakes up naked in bed, giving us a dimly lit look at his derriere, and then he throws on some underwear and runs out into the snow! (1 min 12 secs)

The Ledge (2011) - as Gavin

TV Shows

Shantaram (2022) - as Lin Ford

Sons of Anarchy (2008-2014) - as Jackson 'Jax' Teller

Nude, shirtless, butt, straight Ep. 07x12 | 01:49:00 Charlie's ass is out for all to enjoy as he thrills his lady with his loving. (38 secs)
Nude, butt, shirtless, straight Ep. 07x10 | 00:02:00 Charlie takes his lucky lady to the bedroom to serve up some carnal thrills. In the process, we get a healthy dose of Charlie's muscular duff. Romantic! (27 secs)
Nude, butt, shirtless, straight Ep. 06x10 | 01:15:00 Charlie shows some amazing butt while getting bitch slapped by his wife. Take it easy, lady. Beefcake can bruise! (49 secs)
Nude, butt, straight Ep. 06x01 Charlie shows his buns of anarchy while giving his gal a good time. (21 secs)

Queer as Folk (1999-2000) - as Nathan Maloney

Nude (Aidan Gillen, Charlie Hunnam) , balls, penis, sexy, shirtless, underwear, butt Ep. 01x01 | 00:22:13 Aidan wakes up nude in bed next to Charlie, and though we only see Charlie's caboose, Aidan goes fabulously full frontal! (2 mins 8 secs)
Nude (Aidan Gillen) , gay, sexy, shirtless, butt Ep. 01x01 | 00:08:24 Aidan's on top of Charlie, screwing him, and we get some good looks at Aidan's ass! (1 min 20 secs)
Nude (Charlie Hunnam) , gay, sexy, shirtless, butt Ep. 01x01 | 00:21:18 Craig strips off his shirt to start the scene, and the scene cuts to Aidan licking Charlie's back and bum! (1 min 45 secs)
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