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Democrats vs Republicans: Nude and Sexy Celebrities and Their Poli-DICKS

This playlist features politically active babes who have politically shown off their nude bodies. Republicans, democrats, all are welcome in this nude playlist. Start off with Clint Eastwood(and his body double) and keep the freedom of nudity going with his son Scott Eastwood. The nude dudes keep it going with Mel Gibson and Mark Lee, Leonardo DiCaprio, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Ryan Reynolds, Sylvester Stallone, Ben Affleck, Jean-Claude Van Damme, Brad Pitt, David Sutcliffe and Antonio Sabato Jr., Mark Ruffalo, Stephen Baldwin, Alec Baldwin, Adam Sandler, Tom Hanks, Robert Duvall, George Clooney, James Caan, Sean Penn, James Woods, Jake Gyllenhaal, Tom Selleck, Matt Damon, Tim Allen, Ben Stiller, Kelsey Grammer, Danny DeVito, Chuck Norris, Kevin Bacon, Scott Baio, Jamie Foxx, Gene Simmons, Justin Timberlake, Adam Carolla, and Pedro Pascal. Wow, that's a lot of dudity on the ballot. Thank goodness we can vote and vote often in this playlist.

Sexy & Nude Celebrity Playlists 13


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