Jamie Dornan

They say a picture is worth a thousand words andapparently also fifty shades, as illustrated by Jamie Dornan's sleekmuscled presence in the 50 Shades of Grey series. I find it hard to believe you need evidence to support that claim, but I'll post it anyway as a form of self gratification.

Jamie Dornan

Anyways, we should all try to remember that 50 Shades of Grey is actually excellent when you consider that it's Twilight fan fiction, and they are a very self-aware franchise, even including Jamie Dornan lifting on his at-home equipment in theFifty Shades Darkertrailer. I can't imagine that is centric to the plot unless they use it to have sex, which I would commend.

Jamie Dornana

If this film is anything like the last, this next installment will include rampant nudity - and maybe, if we're lucky, Jamie will unleash his junk.

A girl can dream, right?