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Jason Segel

Jason Segel Nude

Hall of Fame Nudity!

Keywords: Hall of Fame Nudity!, White, Brown Hair

Nude Roles: 5

Birthplace: Los Angeles, California, US

Date of Birth: 01/18/80

31 Blog Posts for this celebrity

Top Jason Segel Scenes

Shrinking (2023-2024) Sexy, shirtless Ep. 01x09 | 00:15:36 A shirtless Jason Segel has a little bedroom banter, post coital, with Jessica Williams. (1 min 25 secs)
Slackers (2002) Nude (Devon Sawa) , butt, sexy, shirtless, bulge, underwear 00:20:57 Devon shows butt during a locker room argument. (49 secs)
Knocked Up (2007) Nude, butt, shirtless 01:11:03 Jason is completely nude, cupping his junk with his hand as he seeks shelter outside during an earthquake. (18 secs)
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Los Angeles-born cutie and star of the CBS hit television show, How I Met Your Mother, Jason Segel got his start as the lovable pothead Nick Andopolis in the TV drama Freaks and Geeks. Sadly Freaks only ran one season, but Jason went on to strut his round tush in our favorite 2007 comedy Knocked Up, along with fellow freaks Seth Rogan and James Franco. Luckily, it wouldn't be his only foray into flashing flesh.

A year later not only did Jason give us a look at his slim jim, sporting some soft wood in Forgetting Sarah Marshal (2008), but he also wrote the skintacular film himself. You have to love a guy who writes a full-frontal scene for himself!  In The Five-Year Engagement (2012) Jason's fine naked ass went on a drunk hike in the cold Michigan winter air. We'd gladly endure a blizzard for one more look at Jason Segel's regal rod.     

Speaking of his rod, Jason can't stop showing it! In the 2014 comedy Sex Tape, he goes for broke showing us his balls, butt, and taint in a lot of intimate positions. Where do we sign up to see the Sex Tape? Add in a few shirtless scenes including one where he is wearing only a towel in Slackers (2012) and it is abundantly clear that Mr. Segel is not afraid to let us see-all! Jason’s career is going full steam ahead so we can hope that the loveable hunk will write himself a few more nude scenes in the near future!


Sex Tape (2014) - as Jay

Nude, butt 01:26:58 Jason kicks off the sex tape by wearing a skimpy pair of undies. The film progresses further to show off Jason's amazing ass. (2 mins 39 secs)
Nude, balls, butt 00:19:11 Jason shows backsack and butt as he stumbles to catch up with Ms. Diaz. (16 secs)

The Five-Year Engagement (2012) - as Tom Solomon

Nude, butt 00:07:45 Jason prepares breakfast without any pants. He gives us his sunny side up! (15 secs)
Nude, butt 01:19:28 Jason walks through the snow without any pants on. There's bound to be shrinkage! (36 secs)

Forgetting Sarah Marshall (2008) - as Peter Bretter

Nude, balls, penis, shirtless There's no forgetting Segel's sausage as Sarah Marshall breaks up and Jason's towel hits the floor. (2 mins 39 secs)
Nude, balls, butt, penis, shirtless Jason Segel's dork is more freak than geek as Mila Kunis catches him au naturel. (52 secs)

Knocked Up (2007) - as Jason

Nude, butt, shirtless 01:11:03 Jason is completely nude, cupping his junk with his hand as he seeks shelter outside during an earthquake. (18 secs)

Slackers (2002) - as Sam Schechter

TV Shows

Shrinking (2023-2024) - as Jimmy

Nude, butt, sexy Ep. 01x07 | 00:01:56 Jason Segel and Jessica Williams both snap awake to the realization they had some drunken sex the night before. He's 'Donald Ducking' around the bedroom as they both scramble to get dressed, showing those buns again! (58 secs)

How I Met Your Mother (2005-2014) - as Marshall Eriksen

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