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Sean Harris

Sean Harris Nude

Brief Nudity

Keywords: Brief Nudity, White, Red Hair

Nude Roles: 4

Birthplace: London, England, GB

3 Blog Posts for this celebrity

Top Sean Harris Scenes

The Borgias (2011-2013) Sexy, shirtless Ep. 01x02 | 00:14:58 Sean Harris is shirtless and sporting some whip marks on his back! (22 secs)
The Borgias (2011-2013) Sexy, bulge, shirtless, underwear, sexy Ep. 01x03 | 00:20:11 Colm, Sean, and Augustus go for a swim in a large spa pool (2 mins 50 secs)
Trespass Against Us (2016) Nude, butt, shirtless 00:07:05 Sean Harris runs out with his buns out! (43 secs)
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Rugged redhead Sean Harris is an English actor best known for his work in Mission: Impossible – Rogue Nation (2015), Prometheus (2012), and Harry Brown (2009). Sean was born in 1966 in London, England. Sean won a BAFTA in 2014 for Best Leading Actor in the TV series Southcliffe. He made his onscreen debut in the TV movie Bad Company in 1993. With Sean’s sexy bod, he doesn’t look like bad company at all! Sean shows some skin in A Lonely Place to Die (2011) and The Goob (2014). However, our favorite place to see this British babe lose his clothes is in the crime drama Trespass Against Us (2016). Sean shows off his lean, lusty bod left and right in this drama. We get a look at his muscular chest by the fire and then he runs around outside with his bodacious buns out. Best of all we get a look at that perfect peen when he pulls off his pants before Michael Fassbender pours blue paint all over him! Sean Harris can trespass against us anytime he feels like it! If you want to see more of Sean, find him in the creepy flick Possum (2018), or other movies like Mission: Impossible - Fallout (2018), The King (2019), The Banishing (2020), The Green Knight (2021), Spencer (2021), and The Stranger (2022). Man Central hopes that Sean doesn't stay a stranger to naughty work in the coming year. We could all use some masturbation fuel featuring Harris' hot booty or dong!


Trespass Against Us (2016) - as Gordon Bennett

Nude, butt, shirtless 00:07:05 Sean Harris runs out with his buns out! (43 secs)
Nude, penis, balls, butt, shirtless 01:08:38 Sean Harris shows peen, balls, and ass while running around naked outside! (1 min 2 secs)

The Goob (2014) - as Womack

A Lonely Place to Die (2011) - as Mr. Kidd

Nude, balls, penis, shirtless 01:32:40 Brief balls and boinker from Sean Harris! (1 min 25 secs)

TV Shows

The Borgias (2011-2013) - as Micheletto

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