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Shia LaBeouf

Shia LaBeouf Nude

Hall of Fame Nudity!

Keywords: Hall of Fame Nudity!, White, Brown Hair

Nude Roles: 12

Birthplace: Los Angeles, California, US

Date of Birth: 06/11/86

Real Name: Shia Saide LaBeouf

58 Blog Posts for this celebrity

Top Shia LaBeouf Scenes

Megalopolis (2024) Nude, butt, straight 01:52:25 Shia Labeouf lets those cheeks and manbush make a cameo as Aubrey Plaza plots with him, then straddles his face! (27 secs)
Nymphomaniac: Vol. I (2013) Nude, balls, penis, straight, butt 00:17:40 Shia pulls out his rod and gives his tool a tug before banging his babe. (1 min 40 secs)
Nymphomaniac: Vol. I (2013) Nude, body double, erect, penis, sexy, shirtless, straight, balls 02:20:51 Shai LaBeouf teams up with a body double to provide some boner-rific action. (1 min 45 secs)
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Shia LaBeouf started doing stand-up comedy at the ripe old age of ten. His presence and charisma even at that young age attracted agents and soon he was starring in TV shows and movies. Shia successfully made the transition from child star to bankable adult actor with his breakthrough hit Disturbia (2007) that was followed closely by the box office destroying Transformer movies.

Shia has been fearless in the roles he has taken and often tackles difficult characters. In recent years he has championed small films and has shown that he is willing to go all out for the roles he takes no matter how big or small. In 2006’s Bobby Shia has a very long nude scene where his character is high on LSD and naked in a hotel room. There are several shots of his firm fanny as he moves around the room laughing and being crazy with a co-star. In 2012 he starred in a music video for the Icelandic band Sigur Ros in which he appears fully nude. Throughout the video we see him nude from behind in several scenes and he goes full frontal more than once with his Optimus Prime on full display. Shia also shows some skin in Sia’s Elastic Heart music video, Charlie Countryman (2013), and American Honey (2016).

However, Shia’s sexiest role comes in Lars Von Trier’s gritty, sex-fueled two-part drama Nymphomaniac: Vol. I (2013) and Nymphomaniac: Vol. II (2013). In Vol. II, we get a great look at the shirtless Shia as he bangs a lucky lady and we even catch a glimpse of that perfect peen! In Vol. I Shia really brings the nudity. Shia pulls out that delicious dick and holds it in his hand before having sex with the main character. In a later sex scene we get an eyeful of that beautiful booty as well as a shot of him eating out his lady! The film lives up to its name and we get a super explicit scene of P entering V, shot from below with Shia’s foxy face in the background. Unfortunately this hot, hard dick actually belongs to a body double. LeBeouf recently said that he is “not choosing to be naked all the time. We were just playing characters.” That is the kind of commitment to his craft that we applaud.

In 2024 Shia added to his impressive nudity résumé by delivering the only nudity in the notorious Francis Ford Coppola movie Megalopolis! One thing's for certain - he's never been Shia when it comes to nudity!


Megalopolis (2024) - as Clodio Pulcher

Nude, butt, straight 01:52:25 Shia Labeouf lets those cheeks and manbush make a cameo as Aubrey Plaza plots with him, then straddles his face! (27 secs)

Padre Pio (2023) - as Padre Pio

Nude, butt, shirtless 01:25:51 Bare buns from Shia as he has a naked freakout in his room before we smash cut to him running naked through the woods! (32 secs)

Pieces of a Woman (2020) - as Sean Carson

Nude, balls, butt, penis 00:47:40 Shia whips out his dick and balls to have sex with Vanessa Kirby. They go from couch to bed which shows us his booty. (1 min 5 secs)
Nude, penis, underwear 01:05:05 Shia shows his penis when he sits on the couch after sex. He pulls up his boxers after we checked out his man bush for a while. (14 secs)
Nude, sexy, shirtless, straight, balls, penis Shia LaBeouf is baring everything in this scene that shows his tattooed chest and stomach as well as his delicious pubes. It's split-screen, but he's on both of them! (1 min 6 secs)

The Tax Collector (2020) - as Creeper

Nude, balls, penis, shirtless 01:01:02 Shia LaBeouf is fully naked from head to cock, but he's also beaten and bloody. Still, you can enjoy bloody LaBeef laying on a tarp! (4 secs)
Nude (Shia LaBeouf) , butt, shirtless, underwear 00:53:10 Shia Lebouf shows some ass when he and Zack Gottsagen are shirtless and smearing peanut butter on each other. (1 min 10 secs)
Nude, butt, shirtless 00:54:44 The sexy Shia LeBouf pulls down his boxers to show his butt and pee into the water. (21 secs)

Borg vs McEnroe (2017) - as John McEnroe

American Honey (2016) - as Jake

Nude, penis, straight, butt 01:52:52 Shia LaBeouf joins in on the epic nudity in American Honey by briefly showing his LaCock while having sex outside! (45 secs)

Sia: Elastic Heart (2015) - as Himself

Charlie Countryman (2013) - as Charlie Countryman

Nude, butt, shirtless, sexy 00:43:20 Shia is as nude as a jaybird and as high as kite...with no strings attached. (44 secs)

Nymphomaniac: Vol. I (2013) - as Jerôme

Nude, balls, butt, erect, penis, shirtless Shia LaBeouf's penis alert! He gets undressed and when his underwear is gone we can see his thick erect cock before he has sex. (1 min 29 secs)
Nude, body double, erect, penis, sexy, shirtless, straight, balls 02:20:51 Shai LaBeouf teams up with a body double to provide some boner-rific action. (1 min 45 secs)
Nude, balls, butt, sexy, shirtless, straight, penis 02:22:42 Shia shows sack and butt while banging a chick. Christian shows it all while pumping his gal. (29 secs)
Nude, balls, penis, straight, butt 00:17:40 Shia pulls out his rod and gives his tool a tug before banging his babe. (1 min 40 secs)

Nymphomaniac: Vol. II (2013) - as Jerôme

Nude, sexy, shirtless, butt, straight, penis 00:16:25 Shia shows some seat meat while he bangs his babe against the wall. (52 secs)
Nude, shirtless, balls, penis, straight Shia shows off his LaBeef in this video, baring all as he and some bimbo get busy! (34 secs)

Bobby (2006) - as Cooper

Nude (Shia LaBeouf) , butt, shirtless, underwear 00:45:25 In a trippy scene, Shia shows butt and Brian rocks a pair of briefs. (43 secs)
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