Shia LaBeouf started doing stand-up comedy at the ripe old age of ten. His presence and charisma even at that young age attracted agents and soon he was starring in TV shows and movies. Shia successfully made the transition from child star to bankable adult actor with his breakthrough hit Disturbia (2007) that was followed closely by the box office destroying Transformer movies.
Shia has been fearless in the roles he has taken and often tackles difficult characters. In recent years he has championed small films and has shown that he is willing to go all out for the roles he takes no matter how big or small. In 2006’s Bobby Shia has a very long nude scene where his character is high on LSD and naked in a hotel room. There are several shots of his firm fanny as he moves around the room laughing and being crazy with a co-star. In 2012 he starred in a music video for the Icelandic band Sigur Ros in which he appears fully nude. Throughout the video we see him nude from behind in several scenes and he goes full frontal more than once with his Optimus Prime on full display. Shia also shows some skin in Sia’s Elastic Heart music video, Charlie Countryman (2013), and American Honey (2016).
However, Shia’s sexiest role comes in Lars Von Trier’s gritty, sex-fueled two-part drama Nymphomaniac: Vol. I (2013) and Nymphomaniac: Vol. II (2013). In Vol. II, we get a great look at the shirtless Shia as he bangs a lucky lady and we even catch a glimpse of that perfect peen! In Vol. I Shia really brings the nudity. Shia pulls out that delicious dick and holds it in his hand before having sex with the main character. In a later sex scene we get an eyeful of that beautiful booty as well as a shot of him eating out his lady! The film lives up to its name and we get a super explicit scene of P entering V, shot from below with Shia’s foxy face in the background. Unfortunately this hot, hard dick actually belongs to a body double. LeBeouf recently said that he is “not choosing to be naked all the time. We were just playing characters.” That is the kind of commitment to his craft that we applaud.
In 2024 Shia added to his impressive nudity résumé by delivering the only nudity in the notorious Francis Ford Coppola movie Megalopolis! One thing's for certain - he's never been Shia when it comes to nudity!