Stockholm-Båstad (2011) is a Swedish TV miniseries that follows tennis star Pavel (Peter Magnusson) as he visits an island at the suggestion of a friend before heading to his next tournament. While on the island Pavel meets new acquaintances and pursues a romance with a girl. Although the show is entirely in Swedish, you won't need a translator to understand the male hotness that we are dealing with! Stockholm-Båstad introduces us to truly award-worthy Swedish sausages and Baltic balls.
First we have the incredibly sexy stud Ola Rapace as he gets into a wrestling match with a group of guys while completely naked. We can’t make this stuff up! We see his balls, butt, penis, and butthole. (That last one’s not a typo). Next we get a succulent Swedish serving of more Ola Rapace nudity, this time joined by Peter Magnusson and his magnum bulge and hard bod. Lastly we round out the feast with Peter’s peter, balls, and butt as he showers off while being watched with another man. We would like to thank the Swedes for their dedication to the arts.