Michael B. Jordan

Ah, celebrity activists. You know, the kinds of celebs who show that they care about people beyond themselves, that use their platforms to make a difference. When those kinds of celebrities also have the abs of a marble statue, you have one thing: true love.

That's what Michael B. Jordan is, or at least what he has become as he's ascended to stardom. Hailing from New Jersey, Jordan's career has been a slow burn, and he's taken on increasingly controversial roles - like his brilliant job in Fruitvale Station, or his reprisal of Johnny Storm in Fantastic Four, a traditionally white character. He starred in boxing movie Creed, too, which made me want to lick his abs.

Look, two beautiful humans in one photo.

Jordan has become a voice in the Black Lives Matter movement and has been on a White House criminal justice panel to speak out against for-profit incarceration. He's been in short films about the damages of racial profiling, founded the Blackout for Human Rights Network, and about a million other things in support of a cause he is incredibly passionate about - and which, of course, is very sexy.

Much like when he showed off his sensitive side, playing with his on-screen girlfriend's hair. And that's the magic of being man enough to care, to be vulnerable - when you combine it with the charisma and confidence (and, OK, incredible body) that gives off such an impressively masculine vibe, you have the hottest dude ever.

Michael's career is just beginning. Let's hope for many more strong, sensitive, and selfless guys like this on the big screen. And Michael B. Jordan? We'd love to see a nude scene from you too, whenever you're ready.