Adam Driver is a celebrated, serious actor and a crush to many, but I'm grappling with my feelings for him. I love him, but I want more from him. This isn't about acting, btw. This is 10000% about me wanting to see his cock. Or at least better scenes that involve his ass.

Adam Driver Needs to Do More Nudity ASAP

Considering Adam was on Girls - a show notorious for nudity and graphic sex scenes - I'm shocked he really hasn't done more. He's shown his ass a few times, but even those scenes weren't enough to satisfy my cravings. Like, check out this scene where he and Jemima Kirke are naked next to each other. Jemima is laying on her back showing EVERYTHING from her boobs to her landing strip. Okay, and Adam? He lays down on his side and shows just a bit of side buns as his legs cover his crotch. WTF, Adam? Get on your back and let us see that cock.

Adam Driver Needs to Do More Nudity ASAPAdam Driver Needs to Do More Nudity ASAP

His character was also kind of a perv on the show, so it's disappointing that we don't see him do that many pervy acts. His jacked off on a girl? Did anal? Okay, cool, but we never saw his dick. What's even more disappointing is that he hasn't really gone nude since. He's been shirtless, but that's not good enough for me anymore. I need him to take off his pants! I need it!

Adam Driver Needs to Do More Nudity ASAP

So, Adam, if you're reading my work - and please do - I need you to do more nude scenes. We ALL need it. Star Wars is cool, Marriage Story is a good film, you're a good actor, blah blah blah. You've proven yourself, my friend. Now prove that you're packing heat and show us the meat.

Adam Driver Needs to Do More Nudity ASAP