John Legend, winner of Grammys, a Tony, and an Emmy will play Jesus himself in the upcoming live action of Jesus Christ Superstar and he is going to be AHMAZING.

The new movie from NBC, which airs on Easter, is a little different than the live action films they've done before - this one will be a concert with a live audience. For those who haven't seen the epic musical Jesus Christ Superstar, just know that it the most extra retelling of Jesus's last week of life ever. John has the range and the charisma, and it's going to be magical.

His casting is also groundbreaking as the traditional image of Christ will be seen in a new way,said Robert Greenblatt, chairman of NBC Entertainment. Seen being the key word, considering that Jesus was actually a short-haired Galilean man with dark hair and eyes, but whatever. Let's not get into that, and instead focus on John Legend as Jesus.

The concert will be live from Brooklyn, and I. Can't. Wait.