Chris Salvatore is the super sexy star of Eating Out: All You Can Eat which really introduced us to his major abs and cock. Chris is teaming up with Kyle David Pierce from Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. to develop their brand new scripted series called Straight Forward.

Chris Salvatore is Working on a New Gay Series Called Straight Forward

Straight Forward is being made specifically for a gay audience which is good news for us. They describe the audience as being specifically for people who are gay and accepting. Hey, that's us! And you know what we're really accepting of? Male nudity!

Chris Salvatore is Working on a New Gay Series Called Straight Forward

Chris Salvatore is Working on a New Gay Series Called Straight Forward

They describe the show as taking a look at modern relationships and tearing down stereotypes as millennials grow up and settle down. This dramedy will feature guest stars, comedy, and honest gay relationships. We can't wait to see this!

Chris Salvatore is Working on a New Gay Series Called Straight Forward

In the meantime, check out Salvatore's work on Mr. Man because it is steamy. After reminding ourselves of how hot Chris was in Eating Out, we can't wait to seeStraight Forward!