The fellas on this playlist have no problem showing us what’s under their hoods! Sexy guys have always loved their rides, and these studs are the perfect ones to bang out your dents. If hotties and hot rods get your motor running, then park your hand in your pants and hold on tight!
Paul Pape gets things started by flashing his air bags in the back seat while banging a chick. Watch as Taylor Kinney’s cream-worthy cans have an awkward lovemaking session in a minivan. A buff Bill Oberst Jr. shows off his sizable parking brake while dancing completely naked on top of a lucky sedan. Sam J. Jones is a nut while showing his butt as he runs around the park naked before passing out in a car. Look closely to see the fuzzy dice on the mooning backseat passenger, Robert Carradine. The sexy Macon Blair gives us the briefest of butt as he drives away in a clunker. Elias Koteas and James Spader get steamy in one of the sexiest barely-nude scenes around. You’ll need to hose yourself down after watching William Baldwin fool around on top of a fire truck. Heartthrob Freddie Prinze Jr. is sexy as ever while swimming in just his boxers before making a quick escape in a truck. Finally the lean and gorgeous Jean-Paul Belmondo shows us his big, pink… car and buff bod before getting dressed in front of a uniformed man.
We hope the guys on this list don’t put too much wear and tear on your parts!