Year after year, the cheesy Christmas made-for-TV movie genre only expands. These movies used to be relegated to The Hallmark Channel and Lifetime, but now they are everywhere. Netflix and Hulu have tossed their hats in the ring to create brand new cheesy holiday movies that feature women learning lessons about Christmas and getting help from the hottest guys on Earth along the way.

These men mostly leave their thick, cable-knit sweaters on, but sometimes the fire gets too hot and they take it off. These movies don't have explicit nudity, but here are the four sexiest guys from these cheesy holiday movies who also showed some skin.

4. Kyle Selig in The Housewives of the North Pole

4 Hot Guys from Cheesy Holiday Movies

The Housewives of the North Pole is about two neighbors who are friends and usually work together to win a neighborhood house decorating contest every Christmas.

3. Josh Swickard in A California Christmas

4 Hot Guys from Cheesy Holiday Movies

Since this Christmas is in California, we don't have to bother with thick sweaters and beefy coats. It's simply too warm for all of that nonsense that gets in the way of good skin. We get to see the hunky Josh Swickard without his shirt on and he has us wanting to stuff his stocking.

2. Josh Whitehouse in The Knight Before Christmas

4 Hot Guys from Cheesy Holiday Movies

A medieval knight is transported to modern times and has to...celebrate Christmas. Sure, okay, whatever! Whatever it takes for me to see Josh Whitehouse enter a room with a towel around his waist, showing off that furry happy trail of his. Merry Christmas to me.

1.Alexander Ludwig in Operation Christmas Drop

4 Hot Guys from Cheesy Holiday Movies

Lastly, this film that was released this winter is part-military movie and part-holiday movie. We get to see Alexander Ludwig halfway out of his uniform so we are forever grateful.

Do you want to see some actual nudity for Christmas? Well, here's a gift for you! Let's check out the most-watched nude scenes from the year: