Kit Harington being sexy, still

As if we couldn't love Game of Thrones or Samuel L. Jackson enough independently, he had to go an narrate an 8-minute recap of the George R. R. Martin series. It was much needed, tooeven the devout watchers like myself have a hard time rememembering the epic moments after so many seasons.

Samuel L. Jackson

He hits all the important parts, like the sad loss of Rob Stark, the resurrection of Jon Snow (sorry, spoilers), and the commemoration of a time when Theon/Reek still had his willy.

Alfie Allen aka REEK

RIP, Reek's willy. Anyway, it's been a long time and many beautiful moments throughout our Game of Thrones journey, so take this time to brush up on all that's come before (who, me?) and check out the best nude moments over at our GoT page. Who wants to start betting on who will go nude next season?!