In the late 1980s, some truly unique horror films hit the B-movie (and often the direct-to-video) circuit. I'm talking about such greats as Chopping Mall, Cannibal Holocaust, and Death Spa (my favorite) to name a few. One movie that was made in this era that might fall through the cracks? The one and only slug-based creature feature called Slugs. Join me in remembering this interesting little horror film that also managed to bring us some surprisingly good male nudity. That's right - there's a scene that will make your own slug turn into a chub. Let's check out Slugs!

Slugs was made in 1988 as a joint Spanish/American production from director Juan Piquer Simon who also directed the super gory cult classic Pieces back in 1982. So, blood and guts are kind of his thing. In this movie, mutated slugs start killing and eating the people of a peaceful small town. The trailer for Slugs will tell you "it may be the most shocking move you will ever see" and that honestly rings true because when was I ever going to see a horror movie was killer slugs? Consider me shocked!

B-Movie Boys: The 80s Creature Feature Slugs

The movie starts almost a little bit like Jaws with its creatures coming up from the water. After they infect the water supply, these slimy little creatures managed to make their way into everyone's homes through faucets, sewers, and damp areas all over town. Sidenote: why is this town so damp? The answer to that question is never explored. Instead, we have to accept that water is everywhere and slugs are somehow lurking in every single droplet of water. The real pandemic in 1988? SLUGS. The question that IS answered is: how did this happen to the slugs? It turns out toxic waste in the water was to blame. Now one health inspector who knows the truth has to stop them before they kill the entire town, but the body count is rising. Clock is ticking, Mr. Health Inspector!

B-Movie Boys: The 80s Creature Feature Slugs

Our nude scene comes when Kris Mann comes over to his girlfriend's house when her parents are out of town. Uh oh! That is a classic horror movie mistake. Word to the wise: if you're a sexy teen and your partner's parents are out of town, STAY HOME. STAY HOME AND TALK ON THE PHONE! DO NOT RISK GETTING MUTILATED AND DEVOURED BY SLUGS. YOU THOUGHT YOU COULD OUTRUN A SLOW ASS SLUG? THINK AGAIN!!! Sorry to yell. It's just that these awful creatures ruins a perfectly hot nude scene.

B-Movie Boys: The 80s Creature Feature Slugs

Kris shows his cock and balls when he is laying down on his side and we get a good shot of sack when he stands up. Their sexy moment gets ruins by - what else? - slugs. By the way, this movie taught me to thoroughly inspect every glass of water for toxic slug waste before I take a sip. I definitely don't want some sexy time to be rudely interrupted by carnivorous slugs that have teeth. TEETH. Did I mention that yet? The slugs also have teeth that allow them to really chomp through people. It is more terrifying than I thought it would be!

That being said, Kris Mann puts his manhood into this scene and I love it. Watch this scene for yourself. It certainly won't make you feel sluggish: