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Mr. Man Minute | Friday, September 27 2019

Best Full Frontal Contenders Of 2019… So Far!

Is 2019 the year of the dick? We say yes! With all the amazing full frontals so far, you could damn well call this twentyninepeen. If you don’t believe us, just check out Jack Reynor in Midsommar, Micah Stock in Tales of the City, Billy Howle in MotherFatherSon, Kentez Asaka in She’s Just a Shadow, and Vinzenz Wagner and Oskar Bökelmann in 8 Days. Needless to say, it’s been a year of stiff competition, and we hope to see these boys again when we choose the definitive best frontals of 2019! Oops, excuse us. Twentynine peen .

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