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Bonnard, Pierre and Marthe

Bonnard, Pierre and Marthe (2024)

Brief Nudity
  • Genres: History, Romance
  • Directed by: Martin Provost
  • Rated: NR
  • Theatrical Release: 05/21/2023
  • Home Release: 05/10/2024
  • Country: Belgium, France
  • Buy on Amazon >>

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Bonnard, Pierre and Marthe is a 2024 French historical drama about the famed romance between cherished French painters Marthe Bonnard and Pierre Bonnard. The film is divided into four sections, each exploring the changing relationship between these two hotheads over the years. We're first introduced to the young couple in 1914 and we say goodbye to them in 1942. Throughout the ups and downs, one thing keeps the candle burning bright: Vincent Macaigne's booty! He takes on the role of Pierre while Cécile de France takes on the role of Marthe. The two boldly strip down for an idyllic sunset skinny dipping scene. She might see his oui oui, but sadly we don't! Plus catch them in the bedroom, where Marthe has the distinct pleasure of caressing Pierre's peach during sex. Why can't this movie be called Bonnard, Pierre and Marthe and Me