Did you know that Bradley Cooper's first-ever full-frontal scene can be found in the critically acclaimed 2022 psychological thriller Nightmare Alley? It's true! The flick comes from mastermind filmmaker Guillermo del Toro, whose screenplay calls for the lead - Bradley Cooper as a swindling carny in the 1940s - to go nude in the tub during a sex scene with Toni Collette. Now sure, those of us here at Mr. Man know that Cooper has some pretty darn great nudity under his would-be-there-belt. By far his best nudity can be found in 2002's Bending All The Rules, where Cooper strips down naked in front of a cop to show off his really plump butt cheeks and sexy hairy chest. But we wanted more.

Pickled Junk? Bradley Cooper On His Full Frontal Penis Scene In Nightmare Alley

Nightmare Alley is only in theaters right now, so we'll have to wait until it hits home release to see what exactly Cooper is packing. The actor did however did reveal to The Hollywood Reporter his thoughts about showing his penis for the first time on screen:

I remember reading in the script and thinking, he’s a pickled punk in that bathtub and it’s to story. You have to do it. I can still remember that day just to be naked in front of the crew for six hours, and it was Toni Collette’s first day. It was just like, ‘Whoa.’ It was pretty heavy.

Cooper didn't hesitate to go frontal for the first time because "there was nothing gratuitous about it. It was to story.” "To story" means that a scene is integral to the plot of a movie. Like Timothée Chalamet fucking a peach in Call Me By Your Name. Bradley Cooper is one of the sexiest men in Hollywood, and he has one of the sexiest asses in Hollywood, so there's no reason why he should have the sexiest cock and balls in Hollywood. So much yes.

Bradley Cooper Nude In Bending All The Rules

Pickled Junk? Bradley Cooper On His Full Frontal Penis Scene In Nightmare AlleyPickled Junk? Bradley Cooper On His Full Frontal Penis Scene In Nightmare Alley