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In The Name of My Daughter

In The Name of My Daughter (2014)

Brief Nudity
  • Genres: Drama
  • Directed by: André Téchiné
  • Rated: R
  • Theatrical Release: 05/08/2015
  • Home Release: 09/22/2015
  • Country: France
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A movie spanning 30-something years, In the Name of My Daugther (2015) tells the story of a family feud gone very, very wrong. Reneé is the owner of the Palais Méditerranée, a massive casino on the French Rivera, and her daughter Agnes is back home after a failed marriage in Africa. When the casino loses 5 million francs to professional gamblers and the mafia gets involved, the mother and daughter's already strained relationship is put under fire. Agnes falls for her mother's business advisor, Maurice (Guillaume Canet), who offers to help her garner the share of her father's inheritance if she'll voted against her mother. Reneé loses her share of the wealth and Agnes and Maurice profit, but all hell breaks lose when Agnes dissappears suddenly. Though it takes decades, Reneé is bent on proving that it was Maurice who killed her for the money. 

While Maurice might be scheming (and potentially a murderer), he's still pretty sexy. We see Canet in several steamy sexy scenes with Agnes, showing off his butt and lean shirtless bod while she's riding him and then again in the shower. You know what they say: All's fair in love and sex. Wait, that's not right, is it?