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Jaybird Walker

Jaybird Walker Sexy

No Nudity

Keywords: No Nudity, Other, Gray Hair

Birthplace: Providence, Rhode Island, US

Date of Birth: 10/14/74

AKA: Jay Walker

Top Jaybird Walker Scenes


After attending Rhode Island College for theatre and the New England Institute of Technology for video and radio production, Jay kicked off his acting career with a short film he also wrote called Writer’s Block in 2007. In 2008, he appeared in Richard Griffin’s feature film Nun of That, and would end up getting cast in a few more of the writer-directors projects, including 2011’s The Disco Exorcist, 2014’s Accidental Incest, the two Strapped For Danger films, Before the Night is Over (2020), and Disorienting Dick (2022). The last of those is where Jaybird really took off… his shirt. Though he has a trippy gay sex scene opposite Anthony Rainville, he has yet to be as naked as his namesake on screen. We can’t see him going by Jaybird and NOT going nude, so hopefully he has plans to in the future!