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Matías Oviedo

Matías Oviedo Sexy

No Nudity

Keywords: No Nudity, Latino / hispanic, Brown Hair

Birthplace: Santiago

Top Matías Oviedo Scenes


Chilean cutie Matias Oviedo is one attractive man. This hunk from Santiago is an actor and all-around hottie with a rockhard body who has been acting since he was a teenager in TV series like 16 (2003) as Pablo Arias, Versus (2005), Hijos del Monte (2008), The Red Band Society (2014) as Dr. Juan Jose and so many mas. He is one major hottie in the 2012 film Bring Me the Head of the Machine Gun Woman (2012) in which we'd like to see HIS head. Instead, we see his hunky shirtless chest as he has sex in the backseat of the car. We hope Matias shows us his backseat next time.