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Shoot 'Em Up

Shoot 'Em Up (2007)

Brief Nudity

Top Scene


Mysterious gunslinger Clive Owen is minding his own business when he sees a pregnant woman chased by a pack of wackos in Shoot 'Em Up (2007), the tale of one trigger-happy tough guy's attempt to unravel a plot to hurt the lady's tot. When the woman dies, Clive delivers the baby and then takes it into his care; while trying to figure out why the toughs wanted her snuffed, he discovers that they were actually after the kid. His usual crowd is of the slightly sleazy sort, so he doesn't know who to turn to for advice on how to take care of the little critter. Luckily for him, he does have one lady friend, the ever lactating, Monica Bellucci! And when we beds her down and shoots bad guys simultaneously at 46-minutes in, we get a great view of his thrusting tush. What a happy ending!