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Terrified (2018)

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Terrified (2017) is an Argentinian horror film coming to us from Demian Rugna that takes place in a Buenos Aires neighborhood that is experiencing paranormal problems. Ugh, we hate it when that happens. Mora Allbreck, Jano, and Rosentock are three spooky researchers of the paranormal who come to help the people with what ails them. The paranormal investigators are not entirely welcomed, however, even though the local problems are very real. Hauntings, demons, ghouls, and other such scariness are threatening to destroy living human lives on the block. We've heard of Jenny from the Block, but supernatural hauntings on the block are entirely other phenomena. That's why the investigators are here! Commissioner Maza tries to explain away the weird things happening in his district, but the paranormal investigators know better. They arrive to try to exercise all of the demons haunting these Buenos Aires houses before the demons unleash their full havoc and possibly bring about the very end of life on Earth as we know. Life on Earth as we know it meaning life without supernatural suckiness. One of the horrible demons coming for the good people in this Buenos Aires neighborhood is Bruno Giacobbe who plays the Pale Man or el Hombre Palido. That actually has a pretty sexy ring to it, doesn't it? Bruno bares his buns as the pale demon who stands beside a bed, ready to haunt. That hiney can haunt us any time it wants. The movie Terrified is bringing us the tasty tush!