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The Cain Complex

The Cain Complex (2015)

No Nudity

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The Cain Complex (2015) another entry into the popular home invasion subgenre, tells the story of Mateo Ibarra (Marcello Zamarripa), a man suffering with PTSD whose house is broken into by four masked men with weapons while his wife and children are out but expected home soon. Already prone to hallucinations, he must keep his grip on this terrifying reality in order to save himself and his family. Twice Marcello goes shirtless, most prominently in an intimate and quieter scene with his wife played by Zoey Zamarripa who mounts him and rubs his crotch for a bit, then brings his hand to her clothed breast before a sudden flashback to a traumatic war memory startles him. She gives up, gets off him, and sleeps on the other side of the bed with her back to her husband. All the better to see Marcello in his briefs though from this bird's eye view. Much later he takes off his shirt again for her, but it's a blip.