Andrew Garfield

In a move that has apparently launched a Twitter firestorm (I'll take "phrases that make me nauseous" for 500, Alex), Andrew Garfield claimed that he's living the life of a gay man, just without the physical act. I don't know what that means, considering sexual and romantic attraction is what makes a person gay, but what do I know?!

Anyways, all this comes at the press conference for the play Angels in America, where he playsa gay man with AIDS. It seems he's gotten a little too wrapped up in his role, as he now says he is living the life of a gay man.

As far as I know, I am not gay, he said, which seems to be the only important qualifier for living the life of a gay man. Outside of rehearsals for the play, he says he only has time to watch Ru Paul's Drag Race, which, I mean, same here.

Despite the inaccuracy of the statement, we'll cut him a break - after all, he seems like a nice guy, he's super sexy, and it wouldn't be the first time an actor had an identity crisis.