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2015 Emmy Nominations

It seems that the quality and quantity of the Emmy nominees just keeps going up and up, and believe us when we say we're not complaining in any way, shape, or form! 2015 has got a number of A-list hunks ready to go to battle, and the only way we know how to pick a winner is by seeing who looks best in the buff! Kicking things off in the Lead Actor Drama category, Liev Schrieber went nude on Ray Donovan, the show for which he's nominated, which would seem to make him a shoo-in, but he's got some stiff competition. House of Cards' Kevin Spacey also showed his fantastic ass in 1999's American Beauty, for which he won an Oscar, so perhaps that's a sign of things to come, but don't forget about The Newsroom's Jeff Daniels, who also got cheeky in 1986's Something Wild. In the Supporting Actor Drama category, we've got The Good Wife's Alan Cumming, who gave a phenomenal, fully nude performance in 1999's Titus, but we're looking at the battle of the Netflix boys... Bloodline's Ben Mendelsohn and House of Cards' Michael Kelly both bared their buns on their nominated shows, which makes it a dead (sexy) heat! The Supporting Actor Comedy category is a no-brainer for us, as only Adam Driver has gone nude, and in the show for which he's nominated, Girls, so he's got our vote! The Lead Actor category is a bit trickier since Don Cheadle, Louis C.K., and William H. Macy did nude scenes for their nominated shows, House of Lies, Louie, and Shameless respectively, so we'll call it a tie! Finally, just for fun, we threw in Pablo Schrieber from Best Drama nominee Orange is the New Black!

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