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2016 Oscar Nominudes

While these studs may have been nominated for an Oscar in 2016, we were more interested in seeing them in the buff so we put this playlist together featuring these sexy Oscar nominees showing off their naughty bits. Eddie Redmayne undresses in front of a mirror and checks out his body in The Danish Girl (2015). When he pulls his underwear down we get a quick look at his cock before he tucks it between his legs. Michael Fassbender shows off his impressive fassmember at the start of Shame (2011) when he walks around his apartment in the nude, displaying his fine body, great ass, and long, thick dong. A young Leonardo DiCaprio climbs out a window in Total Eclipse (1994) and starts throwing his clothes off the roof until he ends up naked. We see his nice butt and a get a quick peek at his DiCockrio. Matt Damon gives your dirty spots a borne ultimatum when he drops his robe, shows his bare ass, and gets into bed during an argument in Behind the Candelabra (2013). They might be Oscar nominees, but to us, they are drop dead sexy nominudes!

Sexy & Nude Celebrity Playlists 556

CFNM 37 Minutes (31 Scenes)
The Best Shower Scenes 38 Minutes (32 Scenes)
Manly Moustaches 29 Minutes (23 Scenes)
Prosthetic Pros 24 Minutes (21 Scenes)
Carrot Tops...and Bottoms 14 Minutes (16 Scenes)
Fair-Haired Hunks 16 Minutes (14 Scenes)
Dongs in Thongs 19 Minutes (20 Scenes)
Chiseled Chests 24 Minutes (22 Scenes)
Did You Know They Showed Cock? 23 Minutes (21 Scenes)
Masturbation Scenes! 56 Minutes (41 Scenes)
Full Frontals of the Most Famous 58 Minutes (49 Scenes)