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Athletes Exposed

Give me an N! Give me a U! Give me a D! Give me an E! What does that spell? NUDE! While sports fans cheer for their favorite teams, here at Mr. Man, we cheer for hunks to lose their clothes and show off their equipment. Feel free to get physical with yourself while you check out these scenes featuring athletes and Hollywood hotties getting naked! First up, wrestler The Rock has a knockout nude debut in Ballers when he bares his unbelievable buns. Channing Tatum strips down to get on the scale, but thankfully all of his lbs are in that ass! Cleveland Cavaliers hottie LeBron James once gave a dick flash on live television. The Governator Arnold Schwarzenegger shows off cock and crack The Terminator, and fellow wrestler John Cena goes epically nude in the Amy Schumer comedy Trainwreck, where he shows everything but peena. John Clark goes full frontal in the locker room, and speaking of, you don’t want to miss side-by-side dicks from Jsu Garcia and Wesley Snipes in Wildcats! There’s plenty of barely legal seat meat in Basketball Diaries, including a scene where Leonardo DiCaprio, Patrick McGaw, James Madio, and Mark Wahlberg play basketball in the rain, with Madio showing off his tight butt! Finally Netflix original series Club de Cuervos brings a truly massive member from hunk Joaquín Ferreira. You guys need a ball handler?!

Sexy & Nude Celebrity Playlists 238


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Seriously Hot Firefighters! 14 Minutes (20 Scenes)
Hot Dudes Skinny Dipping 25 Minutes (25 Scenes)
Sex in Cars 17 Minutes (21 Scenes)
Prison Baes 23 Minutes (25 Scenes)
Naked Men & Knives 40 Minutes (23 Scenes)
Bandanas, Headbands & Hotties 25 Minutes (19 Scenes)
Naked Actors In Body Paint! 28 Minutes (28 Scenes)
Hanging Out Like Curtains 30 Minutes (29 Scenes)
Scalding Baldies 29 Minutes (26 Scenes)
By All Means, Take Off Them Jeans! 24 Minutes (25 Scenes)
Nude Dudes in Locker Rooms! 20 Minutes (24 Scenes)
Nude Dudes in Dog Tags 20 Minutes (18 Scenes)
Yards, Gardens, & Guys! 37 Minutes (31 Scenes)
Men Jerking Off With Laptops 17 Minutes (22 Scenes)
Knock Knock, Nudes There! 24 Minutes (21 Scenes)
Shake Your Rump - Naked Dancing 34 Minutes (25 Scenes)
Desert Heat brings Man Meat! 28 Minutes (23 Scenes)
Captivating Cave Dwelling Dudes 16 Minutes (19 Scenes)
Headphone Hotties 16 Minutes (20 Scenes)
The Sexiest Fellas & Waterfalls 21 Minutes (20 Scenes)
Gentlemen Jumping In Bed 14 Minutes (18 Scenes)
Wedding Streakers 9 Minutes (13 Scenes)
Crowd Cheering Nudity! 26 Minutes (22 Scenes)
Receive Him: Hot Priests! 15 Minutes (17 Scenes)
Best Mutual Masturbation Scenes 19 Minutes (15 Scenes)
Bunk Bed Buddies 16 Minutes (15 Scenes)
Hot Studs in Hot Clubs! 17 Minutes (19 Scenes)
Pane In My Glass: Men Behind Glass! 15 Minutes (20 Scenes)