Glen Powell and Justin Hartley not only have strikingly similar faces, but similar physiques as well. Both men have fair features, squared-off jawlines, broad shoulders, impossibly lean, muscular bods (this is the 96% lean beef!), and are topped with facial scruff that is damn well near the same hue and density. Yes, we're getting that specific, because that's just how similar these two heartthrobs are.

A world exists in which Justin Hartley was cast in Glen Powell's Top Gun: Maverick role, meaning that Glen Powell's ascent to stardom would have been kneecapped before being cast as the lead in Anyone But You. In this world, Hartley is cast in Anyone But You, meaning that he would have shown his butt in the trailer, meaning that he would be a Mr. Man superstar and Glen Powell would be a footnote in the annals of sexy celebs.

But this is not what transpired. Glen Powell may be the king of the silver screen, but Justin is carving out a space for himself on the small screen with his critically acclaimed new CBS series Tracker. Big screen. Small screen. Honestly we just want that peen.

Today you must choose if you are Team Glen Powell or Team Justin Hartley by checking out their hottest moments in the gallery below! It's a tough decision, so think carefully. These spot-the-difference games are getting harder.

Justin Hartley Shirtless VS. Glen Powell Nude And Shirtless