Well isn't that special. No, like, it really is! We fell in lust with the hilarious actor and comedian Brian Jordan Alvarez after catching his super steamy gay sex scene on the groundbreaking Netflix series Special. He plays a male escort hired to walk star Ryan O'Connell through his first bottoming experience.

Brian Jordan Alvarez From 'Special' Bulged Out On Twitter!Brian Jordan Alvarez From 'Special' Bulged Out On Twitter!

But it turns out that Brian Jordan Alvarez is so much more. He posts hilarious parody videos on Twitter, and in one he gives us a look at his funny boner! Brian flawlessly executes some iconic TikTok moves wearing only his tighty whities. All the jiggling gives us some looks at his meaty bouncing tuck!

If you're still trying to place Brian, it might be because he played Estefan on Will Grace, where he took a naughty shower with Sean Hayes.

Brian Jordan Alvarez From 'Special' Bulged Out On Twitter!

What CAN'T this man do? Besides wear a shirt...