Shawn Mendes is the unofficial celebrity of the summer - each and every summer. Just check out his sun-kissed muscles in his 2021 Summer of Love music video. No one fills out a swimsuit like the Canadian songstress, and the men's fashion magazine GQ is taking notice! In fact GQ dedicated an entire article to Shawn Mendes' perfectly proportioned swim trunks. Well actually, you'll find as you read the in-depth article, they're running shorts. Here's what the gals at GQ have to say about the importance of this moment in fashion, pop culture, and music history:

The sweet-spot proportions of his swim trunks lodged themselves so indelibly in our brains they’re still haunting us nearly a month later.

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Haunting. Sure this tongue-in-cheek GQ article is meant to be taken lightly (although they really do seem to love these running shorts) but we're not laughing. The pic of Shawn Mendes is so painfully perfect, and his proportions are just so damn good, that we have to share it all with you. GQ kicks off this article about shorts with "Menswear is a game of inches. Centimeters, really," and we have a sneaky suspicion that Shawn Mendes has plenty of inches to share. Will we ever see those inches? Never say never!

In order to fully celebrate all that Shawn Mendes has to offer, you can check out some of his shirtless highlights in the video below. You'll even find his slight visible penis line in a Calvin Klein underwear commercial. Inches abound!