It is Tim Curry's birthday today and we need to praise him because the man is a living legend. Whether you adored him in movies like Clue or The Hunt for Red October or he helped you with your sexual awakening as the gender-bending villain and star-of-the-show Dr. Frank-N-Furter in The Rocky Horror Picture Show, Tim has no doubt been a part of your life. Let's celebrate him today and all days. As Tim sang while wearing black lace lingerie and stockings with a full lface of makeup: don't dream it, be it. And, baby, we're dreaming about Tim Curry!

Happy Birthday to Living Legend Tim Curry

If, like me, you have been watching Rocky Horror since you were basically a tween then you might forget just how amazing Tim is in it. The movie is purposefully campy, horny, and fun in every way possible, but Tim radiates off the screen from the very moment that he throws off his cape and stars cooing the words to "Sweet Transvestite". And, damn, he looked good doing it.

Happy Birthday to Living Legend Tim Curry

Remember when he got into bed with Brad (Barry Bostwick), too? Now that was a fun gay scene! It's worth mentioning that this feels like the kind of role that could be typecast an actor, but Curry and his world-famous bellowing voice transcended being put into any kind of box.

Happy Birthday to Living Legend Tim Curry

This Aries king is 75 today which seems so hard to believe, but he is still filled with fire and life. Give Tim Curry your birthday best by rewatching his sexiest role ever: