Starz original seriesThe Girlfriend Experience features Riley Keough as Christine Reade- a Chicago law student with a surprise double life. When she's not interning at one of the city's top firms, she's boinking her way around town as a high-class escort. Our kind of girl!

Keough, who in real life is Elvis Presley's granddaughter, brings the complexities of Christine to life by portraying a cool evenness throughout her sexual encounters. See, In addition to getting paid thousands of dollars for her below the belt companionship, Reade is able to liveout her own sexual desires with the truckload of men dumped on her lap.

Speaking of loads, laps, and dumpers, The Girlfriend Experience features a cast of hot dudes who don't mind going nude. This is Starz after all! Here are the boys who have bared ass in the first season. You can catch all 13 episodes of the show now on Starz Play, or you can see them weekly on Starz.

1) Shaun Benson as Ryan

Shaun Benson Butt

2) Brock Cuchna as Derek

The Girlfriend Experience

3) James Gilbert as Jack

James Gilbert The Girlfriend Experience

4) Oscar Hsu as Kevin

Oscar Hsu Girlfriend

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