People have been flocking to Mr. Man lately to search for Adam Pålsson. Everyone wants to know: has Adam Palsson ever gone nude?! Well, yes, but why are you asking? If you're someone, like me, who wasn't a longtime stan of Adam Palsson you might be surprised to even hear his name. But then...I looked him up and I can see why people want to stare at this hot guy. It turns out that he's - and get this - very handsome.

Here’s Why Everyone is Obsessed with Adam Palsson

He's a British babe who stars in the procedural Young Wallander which is currently a European hit. It's a serious procedural where he plays a rookie cop on his first case. He quickly gives us clues about his hotness when he's shirtless in a locker room scene. It doesn't take a detective or a rookie cop to figure out that he's someone worth watching.

Here’s Why Everyone is Obsessed with Adam PalssonHere’s Why Everyone is Obsessed with Adam Palsson

He did show his ass in Behind Blue Skies which was a naked ago. Crazy, right? He looks so eternally young now, but he actually used to be even younger. What even is time? Anyway, the real question is: what does Adam's ass look like? Mr. Man is here to provide answers to your questions. Here you have it, ladies and gents:

Here’s Why Everyone is Obsessed with Adam Palsson

Wow, that a firm behind. This gentle guy has one soft booty. His skin is flawless and his long legs look like they go on for days. Check out one of his infamous booty scenes here: