Sam Smith has gone and done it again. The singer, who uses they/them pronouns, is back in the headlines thanks to their gay as hell music video for the song I'm Not Here To Make Friends. Smith's revealing outfits, and their nearly-fornicating backup dancers, are doing what they were intended to do - garnering strong reactions from pro-gay fornication and anti-gay fornication Internet users alike. Just like clockwork! Sam Smith is not afraid to push buttons, and we simply love them for it.

So why exactly is the music video for I'm Not Here To Make Friends so controversial? Sure Smith showcases their figure in a corset, pasties, and panties, but that's honestly just the tip of the iceberg. Smith orchestrates their backup dancers raised asses into a sea of synchronized seat meat, simulates piss play by opening their mouth to receive streams of champagne, and surrounds themselves with tons of gorgeous nearly-nude backup dancers wearing pleather thongs while simulating gay sex with one another.

This is one very sexy music video, and we simply wouldn't be doing our job if we didn't bring it to your attention. So, what's your favorite part: The piss play or the bulges? Why don't you go ahead and let us know by tweeting us @mrman!