Bo Burnham ushered in the beginning of summer and the "end" of quarantine by releasing his Netflix original special Inside last week and it is shockingly hot. I was admittedly late to see it, but I eventually turned it on when several friends of mine couldn't stop talking about how much they wanted to bang Bo Burnham. I wondered to myself: is this special actually funny and genius or is he just hot? The answer? BOTH.

It Is Officially Time to Lust Over Bo Burnham's Nude Body

So, first of all, I'm a big comedy fan, so I watch a lot of comedy specials. Bo Burnham's is by far one of THE MOST creative specials out there. I do want to point out that early in the pandemic, queer comedian Cole Escola made a slightly similar (in idea) special that they released on Youtube called Help! I'm Stuck. It's hilarious and it lets us see the mind of someone who is admittedly losing their mind while sitting alone in their apartment during the Covid-19 pandemic. Cole released their special so early in the pandemic, however, and with almost no budget (which I really admire) that it went more or less unnoticed. So I was a little miffed at first when I heard people talk about Bo's genius special that he made in his apartment (presumably) during quarantine. Did no one see Cole's?! It turns out that the hype was real. Bo Burnham: Inside really is THAT good.

It Is Officially Time to Lust Over Bo Burnham's Nude BodyIt Is Officially Time to Lust Over Bo Burnham's Nude Body

Not only is it funny, incredibly edited and paced, interesting, and visually creative, but Bo is hotter than we have ever seen him before. Like whoa. Where did this tall drink of water come from? Consider me officially thirsty for Bo Burnham after watching him pose in his tighty whiteys while singing about sexting. He's come such a long way from being a little internet darling in his late teens/early twenties. He is now an acclaimed director, actor, creator, and Grade A Hottie.

It Is Officially Time to Lust Over Bo Burnham's Nude Body

Then there is my favorite scene: the one in which he is sweaty and showing off his happy trail. He keeps lowering his pants and lifting his shirt to show us closeups of his hot tummy. Is. This. Porn? This feels so seductive! I guess everyone really did get horny in quarantine because Bo is over here posing like he has an OnlyFans account.

It Is Officially Time to Lust Over Bo Burnham's Nude Body

If you don't want to watch the full special - which is streaming now - then at least check out one of the scenes that shows Bo in his undies. Bo, will you please be my bae?