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Justin Chien

Justin Chien Sexy

No Nudity

Keywords: No Nudity, Asian, Black Hair

Top Justin Chien Scenes

The Brothers Sun (2024-) Sexy, sexy, shirtless
The Brothers Sun (2024-) Sexy, sexy, shirtless
The Brothers Sun (2024-) Sexy, sexy, shirtless, straight
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This Justin! Justin Chien is a gorgeous Taiwanese-American actor who has let his sexy self to a number of projects including Pool Boy, Two Sides: Unfaithful, and Sun Moon. He has incredible lips, ever-present facial scruff, and a body that will just not stop bodying. It won't even take a sick day! Everything changed for Justin's career in 2024 with the release of his acclaimed Netflix series The Brothers Sun, about a crime family split between Taiwan and Los Angeles. His character is a badass through and through, and naturally if you're going to be the muscle of a crime family, you need to familiarize yourself with a gym. Justin has done that and more, as evident by his mouth-watering, rippling muscles! Now we just need to see Justin bustin' out of his shorts!