The Wilds is a buzzy Amazon Prime series about a group of girls unwittingly enlisted for a sinister social experiment on a remote island. Kyle Fox Douglas is a super sexy young actor who doesn't mind getting it on with another man on camera. A match made in heaven? Apparently! Kyle Fox Douglas is a New York-based actor who has graced theater stages as well as the sets of movies and television shows. This young artist has a bright future, at least judging by his awesome role in The Wilds. In a super lengthy gay scene, an uninhibited Kyle Fox Douglas explores his friend's body between the sheets in for an intimate and sexy make-out sesh! This young buck only has a handful of TV and movie appearances under his belt, but he's left a lasting impression on the industry! You can also catch him in Law & Order: Special Victims Unit, Dr. Death, and New Amsterdam. Now when is he going to strip down to show off that DouglASS!