Today's crush for Man Crush Monday is trending on Mr. Man for a good reason. He is in a popular Netflix series that we all absolutely love. Since the show is back with a hot new season, everyone is chattering on about how sexy and talented this young actor is. Let's put the #MCM spotlight on the one and only Kedar Williams-Stirling.
Kedar Williams-Stirling comes to us from Manchester, England (England...sorry, I think in showtunes). This lovely lad started acting as a child. He trained at the Barbara Speake Stage School when he was a wee child. Then he went to Italia Conti Academy of Theatre Arts which sounds very fancy. This is all to say that Kedar is a well-trained actor. He is educated and dedicated to his craft. It shows...and it helps that he is so freaking hot.
He began acting in shows like Wolfblood, Will, and the reboot miniseries of Roots. He ended up wowing us all in the critically acclaimed Small Axe where he played Clifton. He was sexy in that, but there was no nudity from the strapping young lad. He left us all hanging and wondering what was hanging between his legs. We still don't know the answer to that, but we have since seen his ass.
He is a total hunk and that is probably why he wound up starring in our absolute favorite thing of his to date: Sex Education. The Netflix teen sex comedy knows how to showcase its rising stars and it has made legitimate stars out of the young actors who came to the show as relative no-names. Now everyone knows who Asa Butterfield and Connor Swindells are.
Hell, Ncuti Gatwa is going to be the next Doctor Who! This is all thanks to a show about "teens" getting sexually curious. See - sex and nudity help a career!
Kedar Williams-Stirling is another breakout star from that show. That could partially be due to the fact that he did get naked on the show. He plays a star swimming athlete, so we see him wet and wearing a tight Speedo which shows the outline of his peen. That might be good enough for some folks, but Kedar went the extra mile.
In a locker room scene, Kedar changed out of his clothes and turned around to give the camera a great look at his beautiful brown buns.
There is an episode in the newest season where he imagines himself to be a Ken doll (how timely!). He wakes up and finds that he has no genitalia down there. Well, this certainly is a cocktease. Or a cockless tease? Either way, when he opened his towel I was teased!
Season 4 of the show just dropped on Netflix a few days ago. Get caught up and enjoy Kedar and all of his fine friends. I hope that when Kedar moves on from Sex Education he will take his education elsewhere and do more nude scenes.