Small Axe (2020) is a dramatic mini-series directed by the one and only Steve McQueen about the West Indian community in London between 1969 and 1982 when there was a wave of immigration to the UK from that region. This mini-series explores the community's bonds, struggles, and their effects on London culture during this decade. Episodes range from focusing on the Mangrove Nine who fought with British police in 1970 and fought against racism, the killing of Leroy Logan, the developments of the London music scene with West Indian roots in the 1980s, and more. John Boyega stars in this series as the previously mentioned historical figure Leroy Logan (sorry for the spoiler mentioned previously, but it is just history), but he sadly does not go nude. We know, that barely makes sense. He should always go nude! Other hot stars that sadly do not take off their clothes include Shaun Parkes, Malachi Kirby, and Robbie Gee just to name a few. That being said, we do get to see some shirtlessness from a British babe. The handsome gent Mark Stanley undresses in a locker room and shows off his chest and pale back when he wears a towel around his waist between wearing clothes and not wearing clothes. His truly sexy back is looking both smooth and strong! The towel is sadly covering the Small Axe between his legs, but we really wish he would take away the towel and show off the weapon he is wielding between his legs.