Billing itself as Netflix's kinkiest original series to date, 2023's Obsession is based on the novel Damage by Josephine Hart, turned into a film of the same name by Louis Malle in 1992. The series follows successful pediatrician William (Richard Armitage), a man who seemingly has it all from his beautiful and faithful wife Ingrid (Indira Varma) to his adult son Jay (Shah Rish), who has just announced his engagement to Anna (Charlie Murphy). Upon first laying eyes on her, William can't seem to get Anna out of his mind, turning into an Obsession that will tear his family apart! 51 year old Richard Armitage hardly even qualifies as a zaddy in this flick because he looks at least 15 years younger, and he holds nothing back here, baring all in seven skintillating scenes throughout the first season, including a frontal debut for the ages! This show is our new Obsession!