EastEnders is a long-running British daytime soap opera that has been running ever since 1985. While there have been countless storylines and characters over several decades of this show's run, the basis of the series focuses on working-class residents of Albert Square which is a rather traditional square of terrace houses that surround a park in London's East End borough of Walford. Inside this little area are a street market and the Queen Vic pub where plenty of action happens. Oh, and a lot of drama! It simply would not be a daytime soap opera if it didn't include the spicy storylines and melodramatic plotlines. EastEnders is sort of the grandfather of British daytime soaps. Tony Holland co-created this series that has featured several notable actors over the years - including hot and hunky men! The sexy Sam Attwater starred along with Neil McDermott, but those two guys pale in comparison to the first hot gay kiss on the show. Michael Cashman played Colin Russell as he explored a homosexual relationship with Guido Smith played by Nicholas Donovan. These two sexy men engage in some serious lip-locking when they kiss. The only downside is that neither of these hot British gentlemen are wearing sweaters and neither of them pull them off to let things get steamy. If only these two gay gentlemen on EastEnders would pull down their pants, bend over, and show us that BackEnder! Perhaps that can be the next big storyline on the show because it's still on the air.