Your new obsession is here, and his name is Nick Robinson!I can't help but notice that the Being Charlie actor has a striking similarity to fellow young hotties Ansel Elgort, William Moseley, and Justin Bieber, and thankfully like his brethrendoesn't mind showing off some skin.Let's check out the evidence, and of COURSEhis tight twink ass!

You may best remember Nick Robinson as the older brother in Jurassic World as well as the child actor in Melissa Joey, but he's all grown up now and showing off what the good Lord gave him in the drama Being Charlie, now on video on demand. With his mopy head of hair, square face, dark chocolate brown eyes, and cherry red lips, Nick is basically just a reimagining of Justin Bieber and Ansel Elgort, and if you take away the eye color he's a dead ringer for Chronicles of Narnia actor William Moseley!Actually, they're definitely just the same person and are pulling some Garth Brooks / Chris Gaines trickery on us.Don't believe me? Ask. the. dishes.

Nick Robinson

Nick Robinson Nude

Nick Robinson Nude 2

Nick Robinson Nude 3

Ansel Elgort

Likely story.

Ansel Elgort Nude

Justin Bieber

Nice fake tats and muscles and different hair. Trickster.

Justin Bieber Underwear

William Moseley

Way to go a couple of years into the future and bring your future self to present day and get him a role in a Lifetime Original Movie. Thorough.

William Moseley

Moseley Naked