Twenty-three-year-old singer Shawn Mendes took to Twitter to finally reveal the real him. Many of us have suspected that there was another Shawn hiding inside the Shawn we all know - A Shawn just waiting to come out - and now we know that our suspicions were valid. Although, we don't know what Shawn Mendes is going to reveal about himself. Yet!

Mendes tweeted a lengthy and cryptic message, in which he divulges:

I'm afraid that if people know and see the truth they might think less of me.


The truth is I really do wanna show up in the world as my 100% true honest unique self...


Sometimes I ask myself what it is that I should be doing with my life and what I always hear in return is "To tell the truth, to be the truth."


I have a Mr. Man subscription.

Kidding on that last one! For those of you willing this Shawn Mendes message as a sign of him coming out as gay, sadly Mendes previously stated that he is not gay, and that he's offended you called:

This massive, massive thing for the last five years about me being gay. In the back of my heart, I feel like I need to go be seen with someone – like a girl – in public, to prove to people that I’m not gay. Even though in my heart, I know that it’s not a bad thing. There’s still a piece of me that thinks that.

So what could this latest message be about? Only time will tell!