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The Hottest Nudecomers of 2022

What's a nudecomer? A nudecomer is an actor relatively new to Hollywood who we got acquainted with thanks to his breakout nudity. So like, we never heard of him, and then suddenly we're looking at his cock. Does that make sense? It will soon! This is our definitive roundup of the best nudecomers of 2022, topped by the one and only Henry Eikenberry in Euphoria! 2022's breakout star fluffs out Cal's backstory by playing Young Cal's closeted gay lover. Henry flashes Young Cal his hairy teenage penis and balls in the boys' locker room! That's a nudecomer. Leo Woodall went viral thanks to his shocking gay sex scene opposite Tom Hollander in the second season of the hit anthology series The White Lotus. Say uncle! And while it seems like forever ago, 2022 was the same year that Corey Saucier shocked Sex and the City fans by flashing his penis and au naturel bush on the SATC reboot And Just Like That... And just like that... we're hornty! Back to Euphoria - in the season two premiere episode, blonde model Ansel Wolf Pierce actually showed his uncut penis while ascending the porcelain throne in front of series star Sydney Sweeney. Well shiz. Simone Susinna gave Michele Morrone a run for his money when he joined the infamous softcore 365 Days franchise, and The White Lotus star Stefano Gianino delivered arguably the best The White Lotus nude scene to date when he went full frontal as a mafioso henchman slash sex worker tasked with wooing and then offing Jennifer Coolidge. Same tho? These are just a taste of the men who made 2022 one of the best years ever for newbie nudity! Check out all of these full uncensored celeb nude scenes in the playlist above!

Sexy & Nude Celebrity Playlists 556

2017 Oscar Nominudes 6 Minutes (8 Scenes)
Nude with Food and Drinks 27 Minutes (25 Scenes)
Towel Drops 24 Minutes (26 Scenes)
Greatest Spanking Scenes 21 Minutes (21 Scenes)
Tantalizing Tanlines 34 Minutes (27 Scenes)
Blowjob Scenes 53 Minutes (31 Scenes)
Athletes Exposed 26 Minutes (23 Scenes)
2016 Emmy Nominudes 12 Minutes (12 Scenes)
The Best Scenes of 2016 (So Far) 20 Minutes (20 Scenes)
Burning Hot: Naked Men and Fire 25 Minutes (22 Scenes)
Mid-Air Nudity 24 Minutes (21 Scenes)
Stairway To Heaven 27 Minutes (22 Scenes)
Delicious DILF's 22 Minutes (20 Scenes)
Hairy Chested Hotties 42 Minutes (26 Scenes)
Middle Eastern Man Meat 30 Minutes (20 Scenes)
XXX-Files 18 Minutes (19 Scenes)
Brawling in the Buff 44 Minutes (24 Scenes)
Sexiest Hispanic Actors Nude! 36 Minutes (27 Scenes)
Hottest Book Adaptations 40 Minutes (31 Scenes)
2016 Oscar Nominudes 17 Minutes (10 Scenes)
Six Feet and Above 18 Minutes (16 Scenes)
Hebrew Hotties 30 Minutes (27 Scenes)
The Bad Boys of Tinseltown 30 Minutes (28 Scenes)
Dad Bods 24 Minutes (20 Scenes)