Okay, we have to discuss a serious matter today and that is the matter of Canadian actor Ishan Davé's dick. Yes, it's finally time. Let's get into just how perfect and thick Ishan's penis is and where one can see it. Spoiler alert: you can see it right here!

We Need to Talk about Ishan Davé’s Dick

Just where did this hottie come from? Well, from Ontario. But he is half-Tanzanian, half-Kenyan, and 100% hot. He got his start acting when he was only 15 on the incredibly popular show Degrassi: The Next Generation where he played Linus. He then played Henry Freemont in Charlie Bartlett, successfully doing both before he even turned 18.

We Need to Talk about Ishan Davé’s Dick

The legal hottie has most recently played Raj Mehta in Kim's Convenience. He did not go nude on that show, but he did conveniently go very nude in the 2018 movie Mouthpiece. There is an interesting sex scene in this movie in which Ishan gets it o and shows his ass, all while someone else watches. Okay, it's not technically someone else. The plot of the movie is that this woman's inner voices, or the two halves of her brain, are personified so it's actually the woman who is watching herself have sex. That may sound weird, but it's not that weird when you consider that she probably just wants an outside view of Ishan's body.

We Need to Talk about Ishan Davé’s Dick

He has one nude scene, but he shows off his meaty cock from the side in it. Check out this gorgeous cock from the side when he is standing naked next to the bed. We also get to enjoy plenty of views of his backside when he is on top of his lucky lady in a straight sex scene. Thanks to that missionary position, we are able to really take in his tush. Consider us evangelized because we are now believers in Ishan's booty.