We Now Know The Future Of Hollywood Sex Scenes During The Pandemic

As virtually every industry on the planet mitigates reopening with keeping workers safe during the pandemic, Hollywood is tackling one particular job in which social distancing simply isn't an option. That job? The blowjob. Or actually any intimate scene that under normal circumstances would require two or more actors to be within six feet of one another.

The film editors’ trade association just released its guidelines for filming now that California's governor has greenlit studios to resume production on June 12th. Most notably for our specific interests (hey, we didn't stop being thirst buckets just because of a pandemic okay?) is the inclusion of sex scene guidelines. According to The Sun:

The document (from the film editors’ trade association) says 'close contact moments' should be 'either rewritten, abandoned or CGI fixes them.'

Crew will also be required to wear masks, auditions will now be held behind plexiglass, and all actors will be given lessons on appropriate handwashing - among other protective measures.

But back the sex scenes. Excuse me, "close contact moments." It sounds like it may be a while until we get actual human-to-human contact on camera again, so let's relive some of the hottest gay moments on screen. No CGI allowed: