Violation is a hyper-realistic revenge movie currently making waves for its violent depiction of violent violence. It's violent ya'll! While Violation is not an easy watch, we still aren't going to gloss over the amazing hard cock this movie brings to the screen. Violation is streaming on Shudder, but if you shudder at the thought of an extremely hard-to-watch movie, you are in the right place. We're all about love here at Mr. Man. Everybody say bludgeon. I mean love!

Violation is about a woman named Miriam (played by the flick's director Madeleine Sims-Fewer) who is betrayed by her brother-in-law during her time of need. She was already going through the hell of divorce, but instead of finding comfort with her sister and her sister's husband, she found new enemies. But Miriam isn't the kind of girl to forgive and forget. She goes on a wild revenge mission, which happens to result in the flick's hottest scene.

Jesse LaVercombe is our douchebag de jour (the man at the receiving end of Miriam's wrath) and in one scene she ties him up and, how do you say, f*cks him the f*ck up. But not without revealing his excited, rock-hard cock! This is one of the best erection scenes on Mr. Man in years. In fact this cock is so perfect that we knew we needed to turn it into GIFs so you don't have to! Jesse's big hard cock even throbs with excitement, and we get to take in every throbbing, wiggling, manly penis moment. Check out the hotness below and get ready to violate... yourself. Don't @ me!

Jesse LaVercombe's Penis in Violation