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Today, Netflix releases the latest film from Adam Driver, a drama called "Hungry Hearts" that showcases the tight, round rear we all know and love. It's unclear whether or not his role as Kylo Ren inStar Wars: The Force Awakenswill reveal the dark side of his moon yet again, so we'd like to take this time to make a tribute to it. Whether we enjoy it in a scene with the brilliant but always naked Lena Dunham or get to watch it prance into the ocean with Daniel Radcliffe, it's done us well over the years. We owe it this much. Shall we begin?


Adam Driver's butt in "Girls"

First and foremost, there's the role that introduced us all to Adam and his ass. He played Adam Sackler (perfect, right?), Lena's on-again, off-again boyfriend who really like to do things like jerk off in front of her. We're not complaining, she's not complaining, life is great and so was theirsex life. For the most part. Anyways.

What If

Adam Driver's butt in "What If"

Next came Adam's movie with the Chosen One, Daniel Radcliff, where he plays Dan's BFF and social organizer. These people naturally go skinny dipping in the ocean, because what else do you do at night when you live in a coastal town? The shots aren't quite as clear, but they were great nonetheless. Plus Adam and Dan derriere in one scene? Yes please.

Hungry Hearts

Adam Driver's butt in "Hungry Hearts"

Ah, at last, we have our newest Netflix release, Hungry Hearts. This is nothing if not an interesting movie, as it begins with Adam taking a shit and peaks with his science-rejecting partner, who refuses to treat their ailing infant. Depressing, but heylook at this picture. You'll feel better in no time.

And now, of course, we have his role in Star Wars to look forward to. Will he show us his lightsaber or will he keep it sheathed? Only time will tell. May the force be with us all.